Half.com is run by EBay. But instead of auctions, it is people listing stuff to resell at a fixed price right away. I have found a number of technical books on this site at very good prices. After ordering about a dozen books, there was only one book that I recieved that was not in the condition indicated, yet it was still perfectly usable. And the seller worked to make it up to me. They also have some great prices on Music and Movies, and who knows what else. I suggest going with a bigger seller - as they are more likely to be reliable. Usually I got the items in less than a week - shorter than they say on the site.
The only thing you should know: half.com/ebay.com expects you to work through them on any problems instead of going to your credit card company. They even have an claim system if there is a problem.
Oh - well - there was one other problem - Half.Com mislisted a C reference guide as a C++ reference guide, but it was less than 5 bucks, so it wasn't worth putting in the claim, as the reference guide was useful to me as is.