The other night when our friends were over, we were talking about music. My wife mentions that our song when we got married was One Good Woman by Peter Cetera.
So I reach for my Toshiba Laptop and say: 'Let me find it on my T-Pod'. About 30 seconds later, I have it playing. Then there was some question about when the song came out. It took a few clicks to find that the album came out shortly after we started dating, but about a year before we got married.
Okay, so a laptop with a 15" screen isn't exactly a hip-wearable portable music player, like an I-Pod. But it does have a decent collection of music on the hard drive. I mostly listen to it when I'm at work. It helps keep me motivated.
I have been known to use my laptop as a portable music player. The carrying case I have for it also has a backpack mode. When I was warming up to Hiking Pikes Peak, I had put it on my back, and plugged in earphones for the Hike up the Scar. I wanted the extra weight of the laptop and it's accessories to help be in the right mode for hiking the peak with a pack.
I do have a clunky MP3 CD player I can use too, but I used it mostly for longer drives in the car.
So I reach for my Toshiba Laptop and say: 'Let me find it on my T-Pod'. About 30 seconds later, I have it playing. Then there was some question about when the song came out. It took a few clicks to find that the album came out shortly after we started dating, but about a year before we got married.
Okay, so a laptop with a 15" screen isn't exactly a hip-wearable portable music player, like an I-Pod. But it does have a decent collection of music on the hard drive. I mostly listen to it when I'm at work. It helps keep me motivated.
I have been known to use my laptop as a portable music player. The carrying case I have for it also has a backpack mode. When I was warming up to Hiking Pikes Peak, I had put it on my back, and plugged in earphones for the Hike up the Scar. I wanted the extra weight of the laptop and it's accessories to help be in the right mode for hiking the peak with a pack.
I do have a clunky MP3 CD player I can use too, but I used it mostly for longer drives in the car.