So I reach for my Toshiba Laptop and say: 'Let me find it on my T-Pod'. About 30 seconds later, I have it playing. Then there was some question about when the song came out. It took a few clicks to find that the album came out shortly after we started dating, but about a year before we got married.
I have been known to use my laptop as a portable music player. The carrying case I have for it also has a backpack mode. When I was warming up to Hiking Pikes Peak, I had put it on my back, and plugged in earphones for the Hike up the Scar. I wanted the extra weight of the laptop and it's accessories to help be in the right mode for hiking the peak with a pack.
I do have a clunky MP3 CD player I can use too, but I used it mostly for longer drives in the car.