I belong to a local email list about Linux. A while back there was a question going around about ISPs. One user posted a note about a DSL company that not only allows servers, but has a method to share your wireless network with your neighbors. They call it Netshare. You set a rate for your neighbors to get online via a wireless hub connected to DSL. Speakeasy bills your neighbors. Speakeasy cuts your DSL bill. You are the local admin for your neighbors, setting up the wireless on their computers.
So Christmas day Sunday, but we don't do Christmas. And a day off Monday. No real plans until Sunday evening for Channukah. My toe finally feels well enough for a hike. Blodgett Peak has been calling to me for months - especially since I learned there was a geocache on top. So I get up a bit early - early for a day off from work - and head out for a hike. I don't know how far I'll get - but I want to at least get to the top of Blodgett Peak. I've got about 8 geocaches I can try for, depending on how I do. A couple are up in Pike National Forrest, past Blodgett Peak. It is slower going than I expected. I spend more time than I wanted looking for the first 4 geocaches - I only found 2 of them. The trail is Icy and muddy. It is not a great trail - it is not well prepared like the trail going up Pikes Peak. It is very easy to lose the trail - subtle paths seem to go off in many directions. In many places, the trail seems to go up very steep, loose gravel. Step...